Tuesday, November 22, 2011

EU Stupidity: Water Doesn't Prevent Dehydration

The European Food and Safety Authority, a bureaucratic entity of the European Union, put out a scientific publication that states that water does not prevent dehydration.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Water doesn't prevent dehydration, even though the very definition of "dehydrate" entails a net loss of water.  Anyone who has drank water, which is everybody since it is necessary for survival, knows that water prevents hydration.  This is about ridiculous as saying that food does not prevent hunger.

Why is it that when the European Union is on the verge of collapse, why are you publishing idiocies that defy common sense?  I don't live in the European Union, and I find this to be yet another waste of taxpayer dollars.  Under British law, if an advertiser makes a claim contrary to EU law is subject to being jailed for two years.  Since this is an edict from the EU, you can get punished for advertising that water prevents dehydration.  Punishing individuals for common sense is well beyond stupid.  This study is nothing more than another reason to beg the question of how the European Union has existed as long as it has.    

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