Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bibi, What Are You Thinking?

Normally, I consider the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to be an educated, well-spoken, level-headed leader.  But his latest stunt floored me.  Apparently, he has decided to halt the settlement construction in Judea and Samaria because he thinks it will re-ignite the peace process.  This is chuptzah on Bibi's part.  I did not think he would be a man acquiese to Palestinian bullocks.  I have stated this enough times, but apparently, it is in need of re-iteration--peace for land does not work!  You cannot give something tangible and exepct your enemy to give you something as intangible as peace.   We have played this game since the Balfour Declaration.  If the Palestinians wanted land, they had their opportunity to have more than an adequate amount back in 1937!  The resolve Bibi showed against the Palestinians to get elected has turned him into putty.  Let me be the first to predict two things: 1) if Bibi goes down this path, he will not get re-elected, and 2) this concession will not lead to peace.  As Golda Meir said, "they [the Palestinians] need to love their children more than they hate us [the Jews]" before there can be peace in the Middle East. 

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