Monday, November 2, 2009

Ultrasound Helps Planned Parenthood Director See the Error of Her Ways

It's about time!  Abby Johnson, a director of Planned Parenthood in Texas, finally saw the light when she observed the ultrasound of an abortion.  Upon realizing this, she quit her job and became involved in the pro-life movement. Apparently, the fetus is a human life.  Really? I didn't know that (NOT!).  Fetus just happens to be derived from the Latin word for "child."  Not only that, but fetal development, you know, toes, a head, brain, a beating heart, are all present relatively early within the pregnancy.  It doesn't matter how tiny it is.  It doesn't matter if it's located in the domain of the mother's womb, and is thus dependent on the mother.  Because if that were the case, I have a sizable number of friends still living with their parents because of this lousy recession, but that shouldn't mean we should off them because they're "feeding off their parents like a parasite." A fetus is a human being!! Abby Johnson realized this through empirical observation of fetal development and the abortion process.  The fact that the fetus is a living, breathing human being negates every pro-abortion-based argument out there.

As a libertarian, I believe in natural rights for every human being, the right to "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness," whether you're black or white, Christian or Jew, gay or straight, born or unborn.  If a biologically proven human being, such as a fetus, can have its personhood yanked from it, let's move this arbitrary line to infanticide because there's a point where I don't want to have to change the baby's diaper, thus making it unwanted.  If it's based on developmental progress, how about teenagers?  They get hormonal during puberty, and make their fathers tear out so much hair from their head that they end up going bald.  Let's not limit the denial of personhood to developmental stages.  Let's bring back the ruling of Dredd Scott and the "three-fifths" clause in the Constitution, or we can even import the Nuremberg laws from Nazi Germany.

Libertarianism does not mean hedonism, libertinisim, or a 100% free-for-all, do what you want without rules (i.e., anarchy).  There are axioms, such as non-agression and the appreciation for human life.  As Doris Gordon, founder of Libertarians for Life (who happens to be an atheist Jew), states that libertarianism does not, in any way, shape, or form, give one the license to take another life in the name of convenience.  Right to choose doesn't apply to taking another human life, and Big Government surely shouldn't permit such an action that erodes the very essence of libertarianism.

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